For the introduction to this story please refer to:
Thomas's mother died in the spring of 1817 and his father re-married on 25 September 1817 at St. Mary le Bow, Stratford. Thomas gained two half siblings from this marriage: John born 30 July 1821 and Mary Ann born 16 March 1823. Four years later there was another SMITHERS wedding at St. Mary le Bow - Thomas married Mary Elizabeth, the daughter of John and Kezia BARNES, on 26 August 1821. Both Thomas and Mary signed their names rather than making their marks.
The first child that has been found for Thomas and Mary is a daughter, Mary Keziah who was baptised on 9 October 1825 at St. George in the East, Stepney. A son, John Robert was baptised on 12 October 1828. The entries for both baptisms show Thomas as being a tinplate worker living in Charles Street.
The Metropolitan Police was established by Sir Robert PEEL in September 1829 and originally consisted of six divisions in inner London. In 1830 the force expanded to take in the outer areas of the Metropolis including K Division which covered the East End of London.
At the age of 29 Thomas SMITHERS was looking for a job that would provide a decent wage. A constable in the Metropolitan Police earned 21 shillings a week (less 2 shillings towards the cost of uniform) - Thomas joined up on 20 May 1830. He was issued with warrant number 4282 and the divisional number of K101. The new division had stations at Whitechapel, Mile End, St. Anne's, Limehouse, Poplar and Wapping staffed by 1 superintendent, 4 inspectors, 20 sergeants and 254 constables.
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Artwork by Robert J. Marrion 1974 |
As a police constable Thomas would have been expected to possess a knowledge of everyone on his beat. He would have needed to keep an eye on the local coffee shops, tea rooms and public houses for none were to be open after 11 pm, nor before 4 am during the summer or 6 am during the winter months. The instructions regarding streets were particularly stringent:
If any person in any public street or place beats or dusts carpets, or drives any carriage for the purpose of breaking, exercising or trying horses, or shall ride any horse for the purpose of trying or shewing it for sale in such manner as to cause danger or great annoyance to passengers, or throws any ashes, dirt, rubbish, dung or any filth upon the carriage or footway; or shall slaughter or cut up any beast, swine or sheep so near any public street that any blood or filth shall flow upon the pavement; or rolls or drives upon the footway, or any street, any wagon, cart or other carriage, or wheel a wheelbarrow or truck or any cask or barrel; or rides or drives any horse or other beast upon any of the footways; the constable may apprehend the party and take him before the Magistrate
There were even instructions catering for frosty and snowy conditions:
During or after a fall of snow, or any frost, if the occupier of any house or building, do not once in every day, except Sunday, before the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, sweep and cleanse the footway along the front or sides of their premises, complaint is to be made
A year after joining Thomas would have been on duty for the coronation of William IV. K Division provided 87 constables to line the route from Cockspur Street to Charing Cross and another 90 constables were held in reserve at the Police Office in Scotland Yard. Police Orders state:
The whole of the men are to appear in Blue Uniform very neatly dressed and particularly clean in every respect and care must be taken by the Inspectors and Sergeants in ascertaining that the whole of the men have their Staffs with them .......... The constables are recommended to furnish themselves with a little bread and meat or cheese. After being posted they will not be allowed to fall out for the purpose of obtaining refreshments.
Thomas would have received an additional 2 shillings for being on duty that day. The handwritten Police Orders of the time show that six months later he was allowed to receive a gratuity of 3 shillings and a few weeks later he received a good conduct reward of another 3 shillings. The extra shillings kept rolling in indicating that Thomas was just the sort of officer the Metropolitan Police needed.
On 13 August 1835, after five years service, Thomas was promoted to Sergeant and allocated the divisional number of K3. The promotion could not have come at a better time as his wife had just given birth to a second son - he was named Thomas after his father.
Every penny now counted and in 1836 Thomas excelled - on 20 January he was awarded a gratuity of 2 shillings; 21 June saw a 3 shilling reward for good conduct; a 5 shilling reward for good conduct was awarded on 1 August; and finally on 22 November yet another good conduct award, this time for the grand sum of 7 shillings.
In 1839 a new Inspector was posted to Thomas's station. Charles MAY had joined as a Constable, warrant number 11120 on 7 October 1835, having been recommended by his father, John MAY, Superintendent of A Division. He advanced quickly through the ranks being promoted to Sergeant on 18 November 1837 and Inspector on 7 June 1839.
If any person in any public street or place beats or dusts carpets, or drives any carriage for the purpose of breaking, exercising or trying horses, or shall ride any horse for the purpose of trying or shewing it for sale in such manner as to cause danger or great annoyance to passengers, or throws any ashes, dirt, rubbish, dung or any filth upon the carriage or footway; or shall slaughter or cut up any beast, swine or sheep so near any public street that any blood or filth shall flow upon the pavement; or rolls or drives upon the footway, or any street, any wagon, cart or other carriage, or wheel a wheelbarrow or truck or any cask or barrel; or rides or drives any horse or other beast upon any of the footways; the constable may apprehend the party and take him before the Magistrate
There were even instructions catering for frosty and snowy conditions:
During or after a fall of snow, or any frost, if the occupier of any house or building, do not once in every day, except Sunday, before the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, sweep and cleanse the footway along the front or sides of their premises, complaint is to be made
A year after joining Thomas would have been on duty for the coronation of William IV. K Division provided 87 constables to line the route from Cockspur Street to Charing Cross and another 90 constables were held in reserve at the Police Office in Scotland Yard. Police Orders state:
The whole of the men are to appear in Blue Uniform very neatly dressed and particularly clean in every respect and care must be taken by the Inspectors and Sergeants in ascertaining that the whole of the men have their Staffs with them .......... The constables are recommended to furnish themselves with a little bread and meat or cheese. After being posted they will not be allowed to fall out for the purpose of obtaining refreshments.
Thomas would have received an additional 2 shillings for being on duty that day. The handwritten Police Orders of the time show that six months later he was allowed to receive a gratuity of 3 shillings and a few weeks later he received a good conduct reward of another 3 shillings. The extra shillings kept rolling in indicating that Thomas was just the sort of officer the Metropolitan Police needed.
On 13 August 1835, after five years service, Thomas was promoted to Sergeant and allocated the divisional number of K3. The promotion could not have come at a better time as his wife had just given birth to a second son - he was named Thomas after his father.
Every penny now counted and in 1836 Thomas excelled - on 20 January he was awarded a gratuity of 2 shillings; 21 June saw a 3 shilling reward for good conduct; a 5 shilling reward for good conduct was awarded on 1 August; and finally on 22 November yet another good conduct award, this time for the grand sum of 7 shillings.
In 1839 a new Inspector was posted to Thomas's station. Charles MAY had joined as a Constable, warrant number 11120 on 7 October 1835, having been recommended by his father, John MAY, Superintendent of A Division. He advanced quickly through the ranks being promoted to Sergeant on 18 November 1837 and Inspector on 7 June 1839.
Many years later Charles was to say of Thomas
I never found any man more conscientious in the discharge of his duties
Thomas's father, John, applied to enter the Royal Naval Hospital at Greenwich as a pensioner in 1837. His service details were checked and placed on record. On that occasion he was not accepted but he re-applied time and time again and eventually managed to gain admittance on 3 April 1840.
The records show that he had been born in the parish of St. George in the East, was 71 years of age and 5ft 4ins tall. Prior to being admitted he was earning his living as a silk weaver. His wife was resident in Bethnal Green and he had one child still at home - this would have been his daughter Mary Ann.
The 1841 census shows John's wife and daughter living in Devonshire Street. His wife aged 60 was working as a twine spinner. Thomas SMITHERS, her step-son, was living a few doors away with his wife Mary and sons, John (12) and Thomas (6).
Devonshire Street East runs off Globe Road and it was from here two years later that a Mr. Pringle provided a reference for Thomas's half brother to join the Metropolitan Police. John SMITHERS joined on 30 January 1843, warrant number 19944, but he was not as committed as his brother - he resigned the following year.
Thomas and Mary's daughter, Mary Kezia, is not shown on the census and it is possible that she died as a child. A further daughter, Harriet Elizabeth, was born on 30 April 1843 at 23 Devonshire Street East.
In the Far East the Anglo Chinese War was coming to an end. The Convention of Chuenpi was signed on 20 January 1841 and the terms included the cession of Hong Kong Island to Britain. Less than 6000 people inhabited the island and they earned a living by fishing, farming and occasionally a piracy. The Canton Register prophesied that:
Hong Kong will be the resort and rendezvous of all the Chinese smugglers. Opium smoking houses and gambling houses will soon spread; to those haunts will flock all the discontented and bad spirits of the empire.
The first immigrants from China were mostly male and brothels, gambling and opium dens profilerated. Before long there developed a European sub-culture of discharged soldiers and sailors, ship-jumpers, beachcombers and prostitutes. Hong Kong WAS becoming a dangerous and lawless place.
On 30 April 1841 Captain William CAINE of the 26th. Regiment of Infantry was appointed Hong Kong's Chief Magistrate and his policemen were members of the military. CAINE's first office was a matshed but within a few years three police stations had been built. On 1 May 1844 the newly established Legislative Council passed Ordinance No. 12 which established and regulated a police force for the colony.
Police offiers were now formerly recruited from the 55th. Regiment with the volunteers transferring to the 98th. Regiment on 1st. March. Records show that the force initially consisted of thirty two soldiers considered by the army to be unfit for regular duties. Most were European but there were also a few Indians. None could speak Cantonese and they conversed with the local Chinese officers in pidgin English. Turnover was rapid and of the ninety Europeans Caine recruited only forty seven were still in service early in 1845.
The Governor, Sir John DAVIS, made several requests to Whitehall for experienced police officers but officials decided it would be too expensive to recruit the whole force from Britain. It was agreed that three senior officers would suffice and the Commissioners of the Metropolitan Police were consulted on the matter. In the first instance Mr. HOPE, Colonial Office Under Secretary, recommended the appointment of one Inspector and two Sergeants and this was approved by The Treasury. However, during subsequent correspondence Sir Richard MAYNE, Police Commissioner, refers to the appointment of one Superintendent and two Inspectors and this was also sanctioned by The Treasury. By the time the anomaly in ranks was picked up the appointments were about to be made. The decision reached was that the higher ranks were what was originally intended - thus one Inspector and two Sergeants from the Metropolitan Police were appointed and on taking up their Hong Kong appointments were advanced to Superintendent and Inspector.
The two we have already met are Inspector Charles MAY and Sergeant Thomas SMITHERS. Making up the trio was Sergeant Hugh McGREGOR who had joined on 5 May 1838 and who had been promoted to Sergeant on 15 January 1840.
Both Thomas and Hugh decided that in the first instance it would be sensible to leave their families at home - after all they had no idea what conditions would great them in Hong Kong. The three officers resigned from the Metropolitan Police on 7 October 1844 and boarded the ss Oriental for the 5 month voyage East. They arrived in Hong Kong on 15 March 1845 and three days later a Government Notification reported the appointment of Charles MAY as Superintendent of Police; and Thomas SMITHERS and Hugh McGREGOR as Inspectors. The Superindendent's salary was to be £500 pa and the Inspector's £250 pa.
The Governor, Sir John DAVIS, made several requests to Whitehall for experienced police officers but officials decided it would be too expensive to recruit the whole force from Britain. It was agreed that three senior officers would suffice and the Commissioners of the Metropolitan Police were consulted on the matter. In the first instance Mr. HOPE, Colonial Office Under Secretary, recommended the appointment of one Inspector and two Sergeants and this was approved by The Treasury. However, during subsequent correspondence Sir Richard MAYNE, Police Commissioner, refers to the appointment of one Superintendent and two Inspectors and this was also sanctioned by The Treasury. By the time the anomaly in ranks was picked up the appointments were about to be made. The decision reached was that the higher ranks were what was originally intended - thus one Inspector and two Sergeants from the Metropolitan Police were appointed and on taking up their Hong Kong appointments were advanced to Superintendent and Inspector.
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Courtesy of The National Archives CO 129-9 |
For Hugh's story please follow this link:
The climate in Hong Kong is hot and humid during the summer months and loose cotton clothing proves the most comfortable to wear. However, this was the era of the British Empire and loose cotton clothing was not for the British.
The uniform for Constables and Sergeants consisted of a blue cloth jacket buttoned up the front, with a Prussian collar bearing embroidered numbers; a pair of cloth trousers and a pair of blue camlet trousers; a great coat of strong dark cloth; a blue cloth cap "to be made on a frame six inches high" with a white metal crown on the front; a waterproof cover for the cap; and two pairs of lace up boots. Thomas, as an Inspector, had to wear a blue dress coat the same as in England.
Amongst the servicemen who transferred to the Hong Kong Police on 1 April 1845 were William ATKINS, Patrick HUSSEY, James COUTTER and Jonathan PARKER. All were in their forties with eighteen to twenty years army service behind them - most of which had been spent in Madras where they had married local girls. HUSSEY had received a gun shot wound in his thigh in 1834 whilst on an expedition on the Madras Coast - all were suffering from diseased livers. These stalwarts of the British Army were typical of the constables which Thomas commanded.
At the end of Thomas's first summer in the Colony a Constable WILSON died leaving two orphaned children - a boy aged fifteen and a girl aged eleven. Their mother had deserted the family in India prior to the regiment embarking for China four years previously. When their father died the boy was apprenticed aboard a ship and the girl was taken in by Constable LITTLE and his wife. They received 12 shillings and 6 pence per month plus rations for her.
Thomas settled down to work but within a couple of years received the very sad news that his youngest son had died of fever in September 1845 . Thomas sent money home on a regular basis but Mary found it difficult to manage. In 1846 she submitted a request to the Colonial Office requesting free passage to Hong Kong for herself and the family. The reply came back that no funds were available. Thomas managed to find the money himself and his family left London aboard the ss William Jardine in the first week of September 1846. They arrived in Hong Kong on 22 January 1847. Thomas's half brother, John SMITHERS, is known to have been in the Colony the following year - perhaps he had accompanied Mary and the children on the voyage.
In the Spring of 1847 Constable FULLOM was dismissed from the Hong Kong Police. He had served for eighteen years in the army prior to joining the police. His life went downhill fast and he died in the Autumn. He left a widow who had no means of fending for herself and her young baby. Her husband's former colleagues took pity on her and provided her with rations and accommodated her in one of the cells in West Point Police Station.
Towards the start of 1848 many of these ex-soldiers applied for gratuities in order for them to return to Madras with their families. They had served the Crown for over 20 years and were looking forward to retirement. A passage was also requested for the unfortunate widow of Constable FULLOM who had been reduced to living in a police cell. Constable Robert LITTLE applied for permission to adopt WILSON's orphaned daughter who he and his wife had been caring for during the past two years. They wanted her to be able to return to her mother's homeland rather than having to stay in Hong Kong. (Robert LITTLE died in Bangalore in September 1859 at the age of 51.)
During Thomas's service with the Metropolitan Police he had paid 2.5% of his salary into a superannuation fund. His contributions ceased when he resigned to take up the appointment in Hong Kong. The Commissioners of the Metropolitan Police had informed the trio prior to departure that a "retiring allowance for wounds or climatic disease is made contingent upon the Colonial revenue being adequate to such charge".
In 1847 Thomas SMITHERS and Charles MAY were given the opportunity to contribute to a scheme in Hong Kong. They were required to contribute 5% of their salaries and to pay arrears from the time they took up service with the Hong Kong Police. Charles took the offer a step further and applied on behalf of himself and Thomas for their Metropolitan Police service to be taken into consideration. This meant making up the difference between the 2.5% paid in England and the 5% required in Hong Kong. The repayments for Thomas, with his fourteen years service in London, amounted to £128 18s 7d and had to be paid before the end of the year. Thomas tried his best but he was still recovering from paying his family's passages the year before. However, the benefit would be worth it in the long run as he would be able to retire on a nice pension.
Charles MAY had anticipated funds of £180 arriving from England at the end of the year by the ss William Jardine but the ship was delayed by several months. The "powers that be" agreed to extend the time limit on payment for both officers.
Towards the start of 1848 many of these ex-soldiers applied for gratuities in order for them to return to Madras with their families. They had served the Crown for over 20 years and were looking forward to retirement. A passage was also requested for the unfortunate widow of Constable FULLOM who had been reduced to living in a police cell. Constable Robert LITTLE applied for permission to adopt WILSON's orphaned daughter who he and his wife had been caring for during the past two years. They wanted her to be able to return to her mother's homeland rather than having to stay in Hong Kong. (Robert LITTLE died in Bangalore in September 1859 at the age of 51.)
During Thomas's service with the Metropolitan Police he had paid 2.5% of his salary into a superannuation fund. His contributions ceased when he resigned to take up the appointment in Hong Kong. The Commissioners of the Metropolitan Police had informed the trio prior to departure that a "retiring allowance for wounds or climatic disease is made contingent upon the Colonial revenue being adequate to such charge".
In 1847 Thomas SMITHERS and Charles MAY were given the opportunity to contribute to a scheme in Hong Kong. They were required to contribute 5% of their salaries and to pay arrears from the time they took up service with the Hong Kong Police. Charles took the offer a step further and applied on behalf of himself and Thomas for their Metropolitan Police service to be taken into consideration. This meant making up the difference between the 2.5% paid in England and the 5% required in Hong Kong. The repayments for Thomas, with his fourteen years service in London, amounted to £128 18s 7d and had to be paid before the end of the year. Thomas tried his best but he was still recovering from paying his family's passages the year before. However, the benefit would be worth it in the long run as he would be able to retire on a nice pension.
Charles MAY had anticipated funds of £180 arriving from England at the end of the year by the ss William Jardine but the ship was delayed by several months. The "powers that be" agreed to extend the time limit on payment for both officers.
The Hong Kong Water Police had small boats with which to patrol the harbour area and when not in use these were hoisted onto a larger Chinese vessel for safety. Unfortunately, the larger vessel had seen better days and was in danger of sinking. A gun boat had been in use for a while but this proved to be extremely expensive and was later sold to the Navy.
In January 1848 Charles MAY reported that a "large, strong sea going Chinese vessel" which was only 18 months old had been seized by police. This was to be condemned as a pirate vessel but he considered that it would make a perfect water police station. He also considered that it could be used as an armed vessel for the prevention of piracy around Hong Kong. The crew would be officers of the Water Police and as there was ample accommodation they would be able to live on board.
The new boat would carry a six pounder traversing gun between the fore and main masts and two iron six pounder carronades after the main mast. The local term for this type of vesses which was a cross between a Chinese junk and European boat was "lorcha".
On 31 August 1848 Thomas's duties were to take two Constables round the western side of the island to Aberdeen where a police and harbour master's station had been built. He was then to patrol round the island on the lorcha on the look-out for pirate vessels. As the weather was good the Colonial Surgeon recommended that seven European police constables be taken along. They were convalescing and it was thought that a couple of days in the sea air would do them good. Thomas was also looking forward to being at sea as he suffered from severe bouts of fever during the summer months - he took his nineteen year old son along to gain experience.
The lorcha set off at 7am and everyone on board was in high spirits, pleased to get some respite from the scorching heat of the city. Having reached Aberdeen they dropped off the two constables who were to be stationed there and left in a slight breeze at 2pm. During the afternoon the wind increased and it became apparent that a storm was brewing.
The police lorcha sought shelter in Chung-chow Bay and anchored with two bamboo cables and a chain cable. Many Chinese junks were also anchored in the bay and about midnight one of these, buffeted by the wind, was thrown against the lorcha. The bamboo cables broke and the lorcha ran to the end of its sixty fathoms of chain secured to the main mast. For an hour they rode the storm but at 1am the main mast gave way and the lorcha sprang a leak, sinking head first into the stormy sea. The crew and passengers desperately tried to cling to the broken mast and sail but as they were being tossed about many lost their grip and were washed away.
The three who managed to cling to the mast reached shore at 4am and a little later three others were washed ashore. They lay on the beach for a long time recovering from their ordeal and then made their way inland and found a cottage where the owner provided them with a boat.
When news of the sinking reached Hong Kong Island John SMITHERS set off with some friends in search of his brother and nephew. They found and identified eight bodies but Thomas and his son were not among them. Of the twenty eight persons on board the lorcha on the the night of 31 August 1848 all but six perished in the typhoon. Charles MAY had the sombre task of recording events.
A week later Charles sought financial assistance for Thomas's widow and her young daughter, Harriet, who were now reduced to "absolute poverty". By this time Thomas had accrued a combined service of eighteen years three months and was only a few months short of being entitled to a pension of £83 pa which he had intended to take on medical grounds.
Mary SMITHERS requested the cost of passage to England for herself and Harriet, together with a small pension of £28 pa. Charles MAY fully supported this request and stated that no officer could have been more useful to the Colony in carrying out Police measures. These sentiments were echoed not only by Charles HILLIER, the Police Magistrate, but also by Governor BONHAM. The Governor went one step further and sought the approval of the Hong Kong Executive Council for free passage at the cost of £100. In his despatch to Whitehall he requested reimbursement for this and also recommended a pension of £50 pa be paid to the widow.
Mary and Harriet left Hong Kong on 15 November 1848 aboard the ss Larkins bound for London. In the weeks prior to her departure a public subscription was raised in an effort to alleviate her situation. All the large trading houses subscribed with Jardine Matheson & Co, Dent & Co and Lindsay & Co all giving $50 each. Well known local figures also dipped into their pockets with donations from Douglas LAPRAIK, George DUDDELL, Hon. W. NAPIER and John LAMONT. By 9 November $884 had been collected.
Three months later the case of the destitute widow had been considered by the Treasury in Whitehall. Even though Thomas had lost his life while on duty they decided not to sanction a pension of £50 pa. They were willing to grant an allowance of £20 pa providing Mary did not remarry. Mary had arrived back in England at the beginning of April but for some reason the decision on her pension did not reach her. In June 1849 she was forced to write another petition begging for assistance. Her address was given as 21 James Terrace, Shadwell in the heart of the dockland. By July all arrangements were in place and she was informed that she was to be paid by Mr. BAILLEE, Agent General for Hong Kong.
But what of the subscription that had been raised in Hong Kong? The actual amount in pounds sterling varied according to the market rate but would have been sizeable when compared to the pension of £20 pa.
The subscription had been organised by Captain Thomas LARKINS but had not been paid to her prior to her departure. Captain LARKINS had placed the money in the hands of J.F. CARRUTHERS, his agent in Hong Kong, and by the time Mary arrived back in London she had only received £54. Eight months later another $238 was sent by Bank Order and eventually, in May 1850, the final $236.35 was paid in cash to her brother-in-law, John SMITHERS, who held her power of attorney. John was not at all impressed, especially as the money had supposedly earned no interest whilst being held by CARRUTHERS. The argument was aired in the local press for all to see.
By 1851 Mary was living at 111 Lucas Street, Stepney supplementing her pension by working as a dressmaker. Thomas's step-mother and sister were living a few streets away in Fair Place next to Thames Police Station. Later in the year his father died in Greenwich Hospital at the grand age of eighty one. He was buried in the cemetery attached to Greenwich Hospital on 15 August 1851.
Life for Thomas's widow could not have been easy - she died of paralysis on 1 February 1852 at the age of forty nine. Her address was given as 17 John Street, St.Paul, Shadwell with the death being registered by Rebecca GOODWIN. Rebecca was a tailoress and the same age as Mary - perhaps she was a friend. The day after Mary's death Thomas's step-mother, Mary Ann, died of breast cancer at 4 Fair Place.
Harriet at nine years of age was left an orphan. Limehouse Workhouse was situated in Church Lane and housed 400 children. Harriet could well have been admitted there but her name has not yet been found in surviving records. By 1861 she had been adopted by a family in Jamaica Street. William ROBINSON was a sixty five year old bookbinder who had lost his wife a few years earlier. Harriet died of Phthisis (TB) on 18 January 1862 at 18 Jamaica Street. Her death certificate notes that she had been suffering from the disease for a year.
Harriet was shown as being the daughter of Henry SMITHERS a Police Constable, however as the death was registered by an Elizabeth MARSHAM who seems to have no family connection there is every likelihood of an error having been made. A few months after the death was registered Emily H. ROBINSON and Mary Ann MASON notified the Registrar that Harriet's full name was Harriet Elizabeth SMITHERS - the name which appears on her 1843 birth certificate.
A week later Charles sought financial assistance for Thomas's widow and her young daughter, Harriet, who were now reduced to "absolute poverty". By this time Thomas had accrued a combined service of eighteen years three months and was only a few months short of being entitled to a pension of £83 pa which he had intended to take on medical grounds.
Mary SMITHERS requested the cost of passage to England for herself and Harriet, together with a small pension of £28 pa. Charles MAY fully supported this request and stated that no officer could have been more useful to the Colony in carrying out Police measures. These sentiments were echoed not only by Charles HILLIER, the Police Magistrate, but also by Governor BONHAM. The Governor went one step further and sought the approval of the Hong Kong Executive Council for free passage at the cost of £100. In his despatch to Whitehall he requested reimbursement for this and also recommended a pension of £50 pa be paid to the widow.
Mary and Harriet left Hong Kong on 15 November 1848 aboard the ss Larkins bound for London. In the weeks prior to her departure a public subscription was raised in an effort to alleviate her situation. All the large trading houses subscribed with Jardine Matheson & Co, Dent & Co and Lindsay & Co all giving $50 each. Well known local figures also dipped into their pockets with donations from Douglas LAPRAIK, George DUDDELL, Hon. W. NAPIER and John LAMONT. By 9 November $884 had been collected.
Three months later the case of the destitute widow had been considered by the Treasury in Whitehall. Even though Thomas had lost his life while on duty they decided not to sanction a pension of £50 pa. They were willing to grant an allowance of £20 pa providing Mary did not remarry. Mary had arrived back in England at the beginning of April but for some reason the decision on her pension did not reach her. In June 1849 she was forced to write another petition begging for assistance. Her address was given as 21 James Terrace, Shadwell in the heart of the dockland. By July all arrangements were in place and she was informed that she was to be paid by Mr. BAILLEE, Agent General for Hong Kong.
But what of the subscription that had been raised in Hong Kong? The actual amount in pounds sterling varied according to the market rate but would have been sizeable when compared to the pension of £20 pa.
The subscription had been organised by Captain Thomas LARKINS but had not been paid to her prior to her departure. Captain LARKINS had placed the money in the hands of J.F. CARRUTHERS, his agent in Hong Kong, and by the time Mary arrived back in London she had only received £54. Eight months later another $238 was sent by Bank Order and eventually, in May 1850, the final $236.35 was paid in cash to her brother-in-law, John SMITHERS, who held her power of attorney. John was not at all impressed, especially as the money had supposedly earned no interest whilst being held by CARRUTHERS. The argument was aired in the local press for all to see.
By 1851 Mary was living at 111 Lucas Street, Stepney supplementing her pension by working as a dressmaker. Thomas's step-mother and sister were living a few streets away in Fair Place next to Thames Police Station. Later in the year his father died in Greenwich Hospital at the grand age of eighty one. He was buried in the cemetery attached to Greenwich Hospital on 15 August 1851.
Life for Thomas's widow could not have been easy - she died of paralysis on 1 February 1852 at the age of forty nine. Her address was given as 17 John Street, St.Paul, Shadwell with the death being registered by Rebecca GOODWIN. Rebecca was a tailoress and the same age as Mary - perhaps she was a friend. The day after Mary's death Thomas's step-mother, Mary Ann, died of breast cancer at 4 Fair Place.
Harriet at nine years of age was left an orphan. Limehouse Workhouse was situated in Church Lane and housed 400 children. Harriet could well have been admitted there but her name has not yet been found in surviving records. By 1861 she had been adopted by a family in Jamaica Street. William ROBINSON was a sixty five year old bookbinder who had lost his wife a few years earlier. Harriet died of Phthisis (TB) on 18 January 1862 at 18 Jamaica Street. Her death certificate notes that she had been suffering from the disease for a year.
Harriet was shown as being the daughter of Henry SMITHERS a Police Constable, however as the death was registered by an Elizabeth MARSHAM who seems to have no family connection there is every likelihood of an error having been made. A few months after the death was registered Emily H. ROBINSON and Mary Ann MASON notified the Registrar that Harriet's full name was Harriet Elizabeth SMITHERS - the name which appears on her 1843 birth certificate.
John SMITHERS, half brother of Thomas, became Usher in the Supreme Court in October 1848. The following year the post of Bailiff was added to his title and he was allowed to reside within the Court. He married Caroline Matilda CAKEBREAD on 2 June 1852 in St. Johns. John was one of the original ninety nine members of the Hong Kong Volunteers when they formed in 1854.
In 1855 John became Sexton under the Surveyor General. His duties were to arrange interments at the cemetery and to collect the fees and pay them into the Colonial Treasury every Saturday. As he would be handling Government money a surety bond was required. Douglas LAPRAIK agreed to stand surety for him.
John and Caroline had two sons and two daughters. John died on 5 September 1859 and was buried the following day in the Colonial Cemetery - Grave 2006, Section 40.
John's son, John Jnr., died in March 1874 at the age of 21 and is buried in Grave 4088, Section 8.
Caroline married twice more. In 1862 to Robert Oswald BROWNE a draughtsman with P&O. Robert died two years later in Shanghai. In 1869 she married John INGLIS of the Union Dock Co. Prior to her marriage to BROWNE Caroline had drawn up an agreement relating to property which she owned and which was to be left in trust to her children should she die. INGLIS became the trustee of this agreement. Caroline died in August 1872 and was buried in Grave 3979 Section 9 of the Colonial Cemetery on 31 August.
In 1874 Caroline's eldest daughter, Ellen Harriet SMITHERS, married Thomas DUFF in Hong Kong. In 1875 she attained the age of 21 and sought to claim her inheritence from John INGLIS. The money was not forthcoming and she was forced to take the matter to court. The summer of 1877 saw Duff v Inglis being fought in the Supreme Court. Having re-examined the papers INGLIS agreed to pay the money. It appeared that over $17,000 was due to Ellen. Thomas DUFF was one of the first British merchants in Chinkiang and this is where he and Ellen lived for many years before returning to England.
If any reader should be a descendant of the SMITHERS family please contact me - I would love to hear from you.
In 1855 John became Sexton under the Surveyor General. His duties were to arrange interments at the cemetery and to collect the fees and pay them into the Colonial Treasury every Saturday. As he would be handling Government money a surety bond was required. Douglas LAPRAIK agreed to stand surety for him.
John and Caroline had two sons and two daughters. John died on 5 September 1859 and was buried the following day in the Colonial Cemetery - Grave 2006, Section 40.
John's son, John Jnr., died in March 1874 at the age of 21 and is buried in Grave 4088, Section 8.
Hong Kong had claimed the lives of four members of the SMITHERS family
Caroline married twice more. In 1862 to Robert Oswald BROWNE a draughtsman with P&O. Robert died two years later in Shanghai. In 1869 she married John INGLIS of the Union Dock Co. Prior to her marriage to BROWNE Caroline had drawn up an agreement relating to property which she owned and which was to be left in trust to her children should she die. INGLIS became the trustee of this agreement. Caroline died in August 1872 and was buried in Grave 3979 Section 9 of the Colonial Cemetery on 31 August.
In 1874 Caroline's eldest daughter, Ellen Harriet SMITHERS, married Thomas DUFF in Hong Kong. In 1875 she attained the age of 21 and sought to claim her inheritence from John INGLIS. The money was not forthcoming and she was forced to take the matter to court. The summer of 1877 saw Duff v Inglis being fought in the Supreme Court. Having re-examined the papers INGLIS agreed to pay the money. It appeared that over $17,000 was due to Ellen. Thomas DUFF was one of the first British merchants in Chinkiang and this is where he and Ellen lived for many years before returning to England.
If any reader should be a descendant of the SMITHERS family please contact me - I would love to hear from you.
For the story of Hugh McGREGOR please follow this link:
© Christine M. Thomas 2019